Resource Store¶
The Resource Store (RS) is the Mojito subsystem that manages metadata about the files in your Mojito applications. Thus, it is responsible for finding and classifying code and configuration files. When you start a Mojito application, Mojito can find, track, and resolve versions of files in your application, such as mojits, configuration files, binders, views, assets, addons, etc., because of the Resource Store.
Intended Audience¶
Only advanced Mojito application developers needing finer grain control over the management of resources or to extend the functionality of the resource store need to read this documentation.
In addition to being an advanced Mojito user, you should also understand the following before using the Resource Store:
How Can the Resource Store Help Developers?¶
The Resource Store API has methods that can be used (as-is, no addons required) to query for details about an application. For example, when you run the commands mojito compile and mojito gv, the Resource Store API methods getResources and getResourceVersions are called to get information about your application.
Define/Register New Resource Types¶
You can write custom Resource Store addons using the aspect-oriented features of the Resource Store to define resource types. The Resource Store has aspect-oriented features because it is implemented as an extension of Y.Base, and the Resource Store addons are implemented as YUI Plugins.
For example, you could write your own Resource Store addon so that the Mojito command-line tool will register files and resources for your application.
Extend/Modify Functionality of the Resource Store¶
You can also write addons or create custom versions of built-in Resource Store addons to modify how the resource store works. Your addon could map contexts to selectors, track new file types, augment the information that the Resource Store stores about files or code, or augment/replace the information returned by the Resource Store.
What is a Resource?¶
In Mojito, the meaning of the term resource is different depending on the context. Before we discuss the Resource Store in more detail, let’s differentiate and define the definition of resource in the contexts of Mojito and the Resource Store.
To Mojito¶
The Mojito framework primarily views a resource as something useful found on the filesystem.
To the Resource Store¶
The Resource Store primarily cares about the metadata about each resource, so it sees the metadata as the resource. To the Resource Store, the resource is just a JavaScript object containing metadata. The Resource Store defines certain keys with specific meanings. The Resource Store addons can add, remove, or modify those keys/values as they see fit. For example, the YUI Resource Store addon adds, for resources that are YUI modules, the yui property with metadata about the YUI module aspect of the resource. The Resource Store itself, however, doesn’t populate the yui key of each resource.
Resource Versions¶
Because there can be multiple files that are all conceptually different versions of the same thing (e.g., views/index.hb.html and views/index.iphone.hb.html), the Resource Store defines resource version as the metadata about each file and resource as the metadata about the file chosen among the possible choices.
The process of choosing which version of a resource to use is called resolution (or “resolving the resource”). This act is one of the primary responsibilities of the Resource Store.
See Resolution and Priorities to learn how the Resource Store resolves different versions of the same resource.
Resource Scope¶
Application-Level Resources¶
Application-level resources are truly global to the application. At the application level, resources include archetypes, commands, configuration files, and middleware.
Mojit-Level Resources¶
At the mojit level, resources include controllers, models, binders, configuration files, and views. These resources are limited in scope to a mojit.
Resource Types¶
The resource type is defined by the type property in the metadata for a given resource. See Types of Resources for descriptions of the resource types. Developers can also create their own types of resources to fit the need of their applications.
Resource Metadata¶
The Resource Store uses metadata to track information about each resource. This metadata is used by the rest of Mojito to find, load, and parse the resources. The metadata is generated by the Resource Store or by Resource Store addons—it has no representation on the filesystem.
Metadata Object¶
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
type | string | yes | none | See Types of Resources. | Specifies the type of resource. |
subtype | string | no | none | See the section Subtypes | Some resource types have multiple subtypes that can be specified with subtype. See Subtypes for more information. |
name | string | yes | none | N/A | The name of the resource that is common to all versions (i.e., iPhone/Android, etc.) of the resource. Example: the name for for the resources index.iphone.hb.html and index.hb.html is index. |
id | string | yes | none | N/A | A unique ID that is common to all versions of the resource. The id has the following syntax convention: {type}-{subtype}-{name} |
mojit | string | no | none | N/A | The mojit, if any, that uses this resource The value "shared" means the resource is available to all mojits. |
affinity | string | yes | See Note About Default Values. | server, client, common | The affinity of the resource, which indicates where the resource will be used. |
selector | string | no | “*” | N/A | The version of the resource. For example, a resource could have a version for iPhones, Android devices, fallbacks, etc. (This concept of version should not to be confused code revisions, which mark the change of something over time.) For more info, see selector Property. |
source | object | yes | none | N/A | Specifies where the resource came from. See source Object for
url | string | no | none | N/A | The path used to load the resource onto the client. Used only for resources that can be deployed by reference to the client. |
view | object | yes, if type:view | none | N/A | Specifies the output format such as HTML, XML, JSON, etc., and the engine that renders the template into the output format. |
yui | object | no | none | N/A | The metadata about YUI modules. See the yui Object for more details. |
Note About Default Values
Some values for the properties of the metadata object do have defaults, but it depends on the value of the type property and/or comes from the file name of the resource being represented. For example, the affinity of views is common (because views are used on both client and server); however, the affinity for controllers comes from the file name, so there is no default.
source Object¶
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
fs | object | yes | none | N/A | Contains the filesystem details of a resource. See fs Object. |
pkg | object | yes | none | N/A | Contains the npm package details of a resource. See pkg Object. |
fs Object¶
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
basename | string | yes | none | N/A |
ext | string | yes | none | N/A |
fullPath | string | yes | none | N/A |
isFile | boolean | yes | none | N/A |
rootDir | string | yes | none | N/A |
rootType | string | yes | none | See Types of Resources. |
subDir | string | yes | none | N/A |
subDirArray | array | yes | none | N/A |
pkg Object¶
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
depth | number | yes | none | N/A | The depth in npm dependencies in the node_modules directory where the package is found. |
name | string | yes | none | N/A | The name of the package in which the resource is found. |
version | string | yes | none | N/A | The version of the package. |
view Object¶
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
engine | string | yes | none | Any view engine found in addons/view-engines/ of the application. | The engine that renders the template. Two examples of rendering engines are Dust and Handlebars. |
outputFormat | string | yes | none | N/A | The output format that a template is rendered into, such as HTML, XML, and JSON. The outputFormat matches the file extension of the template. For example, the output format for index.hb.html would be HTML. |
yui Object¶
The yui property of the metadata object is created by the yui Resource Store addon. The yui property can be any data type, but in general, it is an object containing metadata about YUI modules. You can think of the yui object as a container for the arguments to the YUI.add method that is used to register reusable YUI modules.
The following table lists the typical properties that are part of the yui object.
Property | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Example Values | Description |
name | string | yes | none | "scroll" | The name of the YUI module. |
meta | array | yes | none | ["scroll","node","cache"] | Contains a list of YUI modules required by this resource. The meta object contains the same properties as the details object that is passed to the YUI add method. |
Types of Resources¶
The type property of the metadata object can have any of the following values:
- config - a piece of configuration, sometimes for another resource
- controller - the controller for a mojit
- model - a model for a mojit
- view - a view for a mojit
- binder - a binder for a mojit
- asset - an asset (css, js, image, etc.)
- addon - an addon to the mojito system
- archetype - the commands to create resources as described in the output from mojito help create
- spec - the configuration for a mojit instance
- yui-lang - a YUI 3 language bundle
- yui-module - a YUI 3 module (that isn’t one of the above)
You can use a subtype to specify types of a type. For example, a resource of type:addon might have subtypes, such as subtype:ac for AC addons, subtype:view-engine for view engines, or subtype:rs for Resource Store addons.
For type:archetype, the subtypes could be subtype:app or subtype:mojit. The subtype specifies what archetype Mojito should create, such as an application or mojit. (There may be more in the future!)
selector Property¶
The selector is an arbitrary user-defined string, which is used to select which version of each resource to use. The selector is defined in the application.json with the selector property. Because the selector is a global entity, you cannot define it at the mojit level. For example, you cannot define the selector in the defaults.json of a mojit.
The value of the selector property is a string that must not have a period ('.') or slash ('/') in it. In practice, it’s suggested to use alphanumeric and hyphen (‘-‘) characters only.
Only one selector can be used in each configuration object identified by the setting property, which defines the context. The specified selectors must match the selector found in the resource file names. So, for example, the template views/index.iphone.hb.html has the selector iphone.
The selector is typically used in conjunction with a context to specify a resource for a particular device. In the example application.json below, the selector ipad is defined when the context is device:ipad. If an application is running in the device:ipad context, Mojito will select resources with ipad identifier. Thus, Mojito might render the template index.ipad.hb.html and not index.iphone.hb.html.
"settings": ["master"],
"settings": ["device:ipad"],
"specs": {
"iPad": {
"type": "iPadReader",
Resource Versions¶
Resources can have many versions that are identified by the selector property and the affinity. The selector is defined by the user and indicates the version of the resource and the affinity is defined by the resource itself.
For example, developer might decide to use the selector selector: iphone for the iPhone version and selector: android for the Android version of a resource. Using these two selectors, you could have the following two versions of the index resource of type view:
- index.iphone.hb.html
"source": {
"fs": {
"fullPath": /"home/me/github-mojito/examples/getting-started-guide/part4/paged-yql/mojits/PagedFlickr/views/index.hb.html",
"rootDir": "/home/me/github-mojito/yahoo/mojito/github-drewfish/examples/getting-started-guide/part4/paged-yql/mojits/PagedFlickr",
"rootType": "mojit",
"subDir": ".",
"subDirArray": [],
"isFile": true,
"ext": ".html",
"basename": "index.hb"
"pkg": {
"name": "paged-yql",
"version": "0.1.0",
"depth": 0
"type": "view",
"name": "index",
"id": "view--index",
"mojit": "PagedFlickr",
"affinity": "common",
"selector": "iphone",
"view": {
"outputFormat": "html",
"engine": "hb"
"url": "/static/PagedFlickr/views/index.hb.html"
How Does the Resource Store Work?¶
Understanding the Resource Store will allow you to debug your application and write Resource Store addons to customize how it works.
In short, the resource store walks through the application-level, mojit-level, and npm module files (in that order) of a Mojito application, determines what type of resource each file is, creates metadata about the resource, and then registers the resource.
During this process, the resource store also does the following:
- pre-calculates (“resolves”) which resource versions are used for each version of the mojit.
- also keeps track of application-level resources (archetypes, commands, config files, and middleware).
- provides methods and events, including those specialized for AOP.
- explicitly uses the addons selector and config.
In the following sections, we’ll look at the process in a little more details. To see the code for the resource store, see the file.
Walking the Filesystem¶
Resource versions are discovered by the Resource Store at server-start time. The Resource Store method preload first walks all the files in the application, excluding the node_modules directory. Next, all the files in the packages in node_modules are walked. The packages are walked in breadth-first fashion, so that shallower packages have precedence over deeper ones. (Not all the packages are used: only those that have declared themselves as extensions to Mojito.) Finally, if Mojito wasn’t found in node_modules, the globally-installed version of Mojito is walked.
After all that, the Resource Store knows about all the resource versions. Then it resolves those versions into the resources as described in Resolution and Priorities.
Resolution and Priorities¶
The resolving of resource version happens in the Resource Store preload method as well. The act of resolving the resource versions is really just resolving the affinities and selectors. See Resource Versions for a brief explanation about how affinities and selectors determine different versions of a resource. The following sections discuss what the Resource Store uses to resolve versions and create a priority-ordered selector list (POSL).
The choice of a resource version depends on the affinity. If we’re resolving versions for the server, versions with affinity:server will have higher priority than affinity:common, and affinity:client will be completely ignored.
The order of the selectors is defined by a POSL, which depends on the runtime context.
Suppose an application has the following resources:
- controller.common.js
- controller.common.iphone.js
- controller.server.js
- controller.server.iphone.js
In this application, the POSL for context {device:browser} might be ['*'], but the POSL for the context {device:iphone} might be ['iphone','*']. We need to use a (prioritized) list of selectors instead of just a “selector that matches the context” because not all versions might exist for all selectors. In the example above, if controller.server.iphone.js didn’t exist, we should still do the right thing for context {device:iphone}.
The final consideration for priority is the source. Mojit-level versions have higher priority than shared versions. Let’s take a different application with the following resources:
- mojits/Foo/models/bar.common.js
- models/bar.common.js
In this application, the second resource is shared with all mojits. The mojit Foo, however, has defined its own version of the same resource (id: model--bar), and so that should have higher priority than the shared one.
Finally, there’s a relationship between the different types of priority.
- The source has the highest priority.
- The selector has the next highest priority.
- The affinity has the least highest priority.
That means that if there exists, for example, both a controller.server.js and controller.common.iphone.js, for the server and context {device:iphone}, the second version will be used because its selector is a higher priority match than its affinity.
All this is pre-calculated for each resource and for each possible runtime configuration (client or server, and every appropriate runtime context).
Getting Data from the Resource Store¶
Besides the standard ways that Mojito uses the resource store, there are two generic methods for getting resources and resource versions from the Resource Store.
- getResourceVersions(filter)
- getResources(env, ctx, filter)
The APIs are intentionally similar. Both return an array of resources, and the filter argument can be used to restrict the returned resources (or versions). The filter is an object whose keys and values must match the returned resources (or versions). Think of it as a template or partial resource that all resources must match. For example, a filter of {type:'view'} will return all the views.
For mojit-level resources or resource versions, specify the mojit name in the filter. For example, filter {mojit:'Foo'} will return all resources (or versions) in the Foo mojit.
Because of the resolution process, the resources returned for filter {mojit:'Foo'} might contain shared resources.
To get mojit-level resources (or versions) from multiple mojits, you’ll have to call the method getResourceVersions or getResources for each mojit. You can call listAllMojits to get a list of all mojits.
Creating Your Own Resource Store Addons¶
In this section, we will discuss the key methods, events, and give a simple example of a custom Resource Store addon. By using the provided example as a model and referring to the ResourceStore.server Class in the API documentation, you should be able to create your own custom Resource Store addons.
Anatomy of a Resource Store Addon¶
The resource store addons are implemented using the YUI Plugin mechanism. In essence, a Mojito addon is a YUI plugin, so the skeleton of a Resource Store addon will be the same as that of a YUI Plugin.
See the ResourceStore.server Class for the parameters and return values for the Resource Store methods.
Key Methods¶
- initialize(config)¶
This method sets the paths to find the application, Mojito, and Resource Store files. Addons should hook into Resource Store methods (using AOP) or events fired by the Resource Store in this method.
The following host methods are called:
After preload has finished executing, you can call afterHostMethod('preload', ...).
Arguments: Returns: None
- preload()¶
Addons are loaded during this method, so they cannot be called before preload is called.
- preloadResourceVersions()¶
The Resource Store walks the filesystem in this method. Before preloadResourceVersions is called, not much is known, though the static application configuration is available using the method getStaticAppConfig.
Within the preloadResourceVersions method, the following host methods are called:
- findResourceVersionByConvention
- parseResourceVersion
- addResourceVersion
After preloadResourceVersions has been called:
- All the resource versions have been loaded and are available through the method getResourceVersions.
- The Resource Store has selectors object whose keys are all selectors in the application. The values for the keys are just true.
- findResourceVersionByConvention()¶
This method is called on each directory or file being walked and is used to decide if the path is a resource version. The return value can be a bit confusing, so read the API documentation carefully and feel free to post any questions that you have to the Yahoo Mojito Forum.
Typically, you would hook into this method with the afterHostMethod method to register your own resource version types. This method should work together with your own version of the parseResourceVersion method.
- parseResourceVersion()¶
This method creates an actual resource version. Typically, you would hook into this method with the beforeHostMethod method to create your own resource versions. This should work together with your own version of the findResourceVersionByConvention() method.
- addResourceVersion()¶
This method is called to save the resource version into the Resource Store. Typically, if you want to modify/augment an existing resource version, hook into this with the beforeHostMethod method.
- resolveResourceVersions()¶
This method resolves the resource versions into resources. As a resource version is resolved, the mojitResourcesResolved event is called. After the method has been executed, all resource versions have been resolved.
- serializeClientStore()¶
This method is called during runtime as Mojito creates the configuration for the client-side Mojito.
Accessing the Resource Store¶
To access the Resource Store, you call this.get('host'). The method returns the Resource Store.
Resource Store Addon¶
The following Resource Store addon registers the new resource type text for text files.
YUI.add('addon-rs-text', function(Y, NAME) {
var libpath = require('path');
function RSddonText() {
RSAddonText.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
RSAddonText.NS = 'text';
RSAddonText.ATTResourceStore = {};
Y.extend(RSAddonText, Y.Plugin.Base, {
initializer: function(config) {
this.appRoot = config.appRoot;
this.mojitoRoot = config.mojitoRoot;
this.afterHostMethod('findResourceVersionByConvention', this.findResourceVersionByConvention, this);
this.beforeHostMethod('parseResourceVersion', this.parseResourceVersion, this);
destructor: function() {
// TODO: needed to break cycle so we don't leak memory?
* Using AOP, this is called after the ResourceStore's version.
* @method findResourceVersionByConvention
* @param source {object} metadata about where the resource is located
* @param mojitType {string} name of mojit to which the resource likely belongs
* @return {object||null} for config file resources, returns metadata signifying that
findResourceVersionByConvention: function(source, mojitType) {
// We only care about files
if (!source.fs.isFile) {
// We only care about txt files
if ('.txt' !== source.fs.ext) {
return new Y.Do.AlterReturn(null, {
type: 'text'
* Using AOP, this is called before the ResourceStore's version.
* @method parseResourceVersion
* @param source {object} metadata about where the resource is located
* @param type {string} type of the resource
* @param subtype {string} subtype of the resource
* @param mojitType {string} name of mojit to which the resource likely belongs
* @return {object||null} for config file resources, returns the resource metadata
parseResourceVersion: function(source, type, subtype, mojitType) {
var res;
if ('text' !== type) {
res = {
source: source,
type: 'text',
affinity: 'server',
selector: '*'
if ('app' !== source.fs.rootType) {
res.mojit = mojitType;
} = libpath.join(source.fs.subDir, source.fs.basename); = [res.type, res.subtype,].join('-');
return new Y.Do.Halt(null, res);
Y.namespace(''); = ResourceStoreAddonText;
}, '0.0.1', { requires: ['plugin', 'oop']});
Text ActionContext Addon¶
The Text Addon provides accessors so that the controller can access resources of type text. You could use this example addon as a model for writing an addon that allows a controller to access other resource types such as xml or yaml.
YUI.add('addon-ac-text', function(Y, NAME) {
var libfs = require('fs');
function Addon(command, adapter, ac) {
this._ctx = ac.command.context;
Addon.prototype = {
namespace: 'text',
setStore: function(store) {
this._store = store;
list: function() {
var r, res, ress, list = [];
ress ='server', this._ctx, {type:'text'});
for (r = 0; r < ress.length; r += 1) {
res = ress[r];
return list;
read: function(name, cb) {
var ress;
ress ='server', this._ctx, {type:'text', name:name});
if (!ress || 1 !== ress.length) {
cb(new Error('Unknown text file ' + name));
libfs.readFile(ress[0].source.fs.fullPath, 'utf-8', function(err, body) {
cb(err, body);
}; = Addon;
}, '0.1.0', {requires: ['mojito']}
YUI.add('viewer', function(Y, NAME) {
Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = {
index: function(ac) {
var chosen; // TODO: use form input to choose a text file
if (!chosen) {
var list;
list = ac.text.list();
chosen = list[0];
ac.assets.addCss('./index.css');, function(err, body) {
if (err) {
return ac.error(err);
ac.done({body: body});
}, '1.0.1', {requires: ['mojito', 'mojito-assets-addon', 'addon-ac-text']});
Resource Store Built-In Addons¶
Mojito comes with built-in resource store addons that are used by the Resource Store and the Mojito framework. These resource store addons are required by the Resource Store and the Mojito framework. Thus, particular care must be taken when creating custom versions of them.
The Resource Store comes with the following four built-in addons:
- config
- registers new resource type config found in JSON configuration files
- provides an API for reading both contextualized and straight-JSON files
- provides sugar for reading an application’s dimensions
- selector
- decides the priority-ordered list (POSL) to use for a context
- looks for selector in application.json. Because application.json is a context configuration file, the selector can be contextualized there.
- url
- calculates the static handler URL for appropriate resources (and resource versions)
- stores the URL in the url key of the resource
- calculates the asset URL base for each mojit
- yui
- registers new resource type yui-module found in the directories yui_modules or autoload
- registers new resource type yui-lang found in the lang directory
- calculates the yui metadata for resource versions that are YUI modules
- pre-calculates corresponding YUI module dependencies when resources are resolved for each version of each mojit
- appends the pre-calculated YUI module dependencies for the controller and binders when Mojito queries the Resource Store for the details of a mojit (getMojitTypeDetails method)
- provides methods used by Mojito to configure its YUI instances
Creating Custom Versions of Built-In Resource Store Addons¶
We will be examining the selector and url addons to help you create custom versions of those addons. We do not recommend that you create custom versions of the config or yui addons, so we will not be looking at those addons. Also, this documentation explains what the Resource Store expects the addon to do, so you can create your own version of the addons. To learn what the Resource Store built-in addons do, please refer to the ResourceStore.server Class in the API documentation.
If you wish to use a different algorithm for to determine the selectors to use, you can implement your own version of this Resource Store addon in the addons/rs/selector.server.js file of your application.
Because the selector addon is used directly by the the resource store, all implementations need to provide the following method:
- getPOSLFromContext(ctx)()
The url addon calculates and manages the static handler URLs for resources. The addon is not used by resource store core, but used by the static handler middleware.
If you wish to use a different algorithm to determine the URLs, you can implement your own version of this Resource Store addon in the addons/rs/url.server.js file of your application.
After the method preloadResourceVersions sets res.url to the static handler URL for the resource, the method getMojitTypeDetails sets the mojit’s assetsRoot. The static handler URL can be a rollup URL.
Your addon is required to do the following:
- Set the url property in the resource metadata object.