Mojito relies on YUI for logging. When you call Y.log from within your mojits, your log messages are handled by a YUI instance that Mojito creates based on YUI configurations defined in application.json or application.yaml. You can set logging levels to control the degree of detail in your log reports.
Mojito does not write logs to a file. Instead, Mojito writes logs to the Node.js console. Thus, once logs are passed to Node.js, Mojito has no control over whether Node.js writes logs to a file, transmits them into an aggregated hub for multiple cores, or uses another implementation for logging.
Log Levels¶
Mojito has the following six log levels:
- debug
- mojito
- info
- warn
- error
- none
All of them should be familiar except mojito, which is the logging level for capturing framework-level messages that indicate that an important framework event is occurring (one that users might want to track).
Setting a log level of warn will filter out all debug and info messages, while warn, error, and mojito log messages will be processed. To see all log messages, set the log level to debug.
Log Defaults¶
The server and client log settings have the following default values:
- debug: true - turns logging on so that messages are displayed in the console.
- logLevel: "debug" - log level filter.
- logLevelOrder: ['debug', 'mojito', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'none'] - the order in which the log levels are evaluated.
Log Configuration¶
All the values above are configurable through the yui.config object in the application.json file. In the example application.json below, the yui.config object overrides the default for logLevel.
"settings": [ "master" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "error"
To set logLevel, the property debug must be set to true, which is the default.
Recommended Logging Configuration for Production¶
For production, we recommend that you use the environment:production context with the log configuration shown below:
"settings": [ "environment:production" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": false,
"logLevel": "none"
Customizing Logging¶
Client and Server Logging¶
You can use the master and the runtime:client contexts to create different logging settings for the client and server.
In the application.json file, create two configuration objects that use the master context for the server-side log configuration and the runtime:client context for the client-side log configuration as shown below.
"settings": [ "master" ],
"settings": [ "runtime:client" ],
For each context, configure your logging with the yui.config object.
"settings": [ "master" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "info"
"settings": [ "runtime:client" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "warn"
Using Y.log in Mojito Applications¶
You use Y.log in Mojito as you would in any application using YUI. See the YUI API documentation for log for details about the parameters and return values.
We recommend that you pass the first three parameters to Y.log in your Mojito application:
- msg - the message to log
- cat - the log level or category, such as ‘info’, ‘error’, ‘warn’
- src - the name of the module reporting the error
In the example binder below, Y.log logs a message at the info level and specifies the module through NAME, which in this case contains the value demo-binder-index.
YUI.add('demo-binder-index', function(Y, NAME) {
Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = {
init: function(mojitProxy) {
this.mojitProxy = mojitProxy;
bind: function(node) {
Y.log("Log message", "info", NAME);
this.node = node;
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito-client']});
Customizing the Log Level Order¶
You can reorder and create log levels with the logLevelOrder property of the yui.config object. In the example yui.config object below, the order of the log levels is switched for warn and info and the new log level danger is created.
"settings": [ "master" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevelOrder": [ "debug", "warn", "info", "error", "danger", "none" ]
Including and Excluding Modules From Logging¶
You can use the logExclude and logInclude properties of the yui.config object to include or exclude logging from YUI modules of your application.
The configuration below excludes logging from the YUI module finance-model-stocks:
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "info",
"logExclude": { "finance-model-stocks": true }
Based on the logging configurations above, the Y.log messages in the model below will be excluded from the log:
YUI.add('finance-model-stocks', function (Y, NAME) {
Y.namespace('mojito.models')[NAME] = {
init: function (config) {
// The following log message will be excluded from the log
// because "logExclude": { "finance-model-stocks" }.
// NAME => "finance-model-stocks"
Y.log('this message will be excluded', 'info', NAME);
this.config = config;
}, '0.0.1', {requires: []});