


A method of a mojit instance ({mojit_instance}.{action}) that invokes a call to a function of a mojit controller when an HTTP request is made on an associated routing path. For example, suppose the root path is associated with the mojit instance and action hello.index, and the hello instance is of type Hello. When an HTTP request is made on the root path, the action index would invoke the index function of the Hello controller.

Action Context

The Action Context is an essential element of the Mojito framework that gives you access to the frameworks features from within a controller function. See Action Context in the Mojito API Overview and the ActionContext Class in the Mojito API documentation for more detailed information.


A namespacing object attached directly to the Action Context object that provides additional functions. The ActionContext object is available in every controller function. See Mojito API Overview: Addons for more information.


The location where a resource is available. For example, the value for {affinity} in the file controller.{affinity}.js could be server, client, or common, depending on where the resource is available. The affinity common means that the resource is available in both the client and server. If both common and client are given, then the client file is used on the client and the common file is used on the server. Likewise, if both common and server are given, then the common file is used on the client and the server file is used on the server.


A type of resource that the Mojito CLI utility can generate boilerplate code for. The Mojito CLI utility recognizes the archetypes simple, default, and full to generate code for different types of applications and mojits, but users can define archetypes so that Mojito can generate code for any type of resource. See Creating Code from Archetypes for more information.


File resources that are required on the clients. These resources are primarily CSS but can also be JavaScript that is ancillary to and not a core component of the Mojito application. See Mojito Developer Topics: Assets to learn how to use assets in Mojito applications.


Mojit code deployed to the browser that can allow event handlers to attach to the mojit DOM node, communicate with other mojits on the page, and execute actions on the mojit that the binder is attached to. A mojit may have zero, one, or many binders within the binders directory. See Mojito Binders for more information.


CDN stands for content delivery network, which is a largely distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers in the Internet. CDNs serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance. YUI has a CDN for delivering the YUI library.

composite mojits

When a parent mojit controls the execution and layout of child mojits. See Mojito Developer Topics: Composite Mojits for more information.


The runtime environment of a Mojito application that determines which configurations are applied. For example, your application may run on different devices or in different language environments. Each runtime environment could be a context that is associated with a set of configuations. The context can be statically set (base context) on the command line or dynamically set (request context) in the HTTP headers and/or the request query string. The configurations for request contexts override those of the base context. See Using Context Configurations for more information.


In Mojito, the controller is mojit code that can either do all of the work or delegate the work to models and/or views. In the typical case, the mojit controller requests the model to retrieve data and then the controller will serve that data to the views. See MVC: Controllers for more information.


The basic unit of composition and reuse in a Mojito application. It typically corresponds to a rectangular area of a page and is constructed using JavaScript and the MVC.


The proxy object given to binders that allows them to interact with the mojit it represents as well as with other mojits on the page. See the mojitProxy Object and the MojitProxy Class for more information.


A Web framework with which applications are written entirely in JavaScript, using an MVC approach and allowing for transportable code between client (browser) and server. The framework addresses the combined needs of connected devices and desktops, including disconnected application usage.


Acronym for Model-View-Controller. A software architecture pattern used in software engineering. The pattern isolates “domain logic” (the application logic for the user) from the user interface (input and presentation), permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each (separation of concerns). See Mojito Intro: MVC to learn how MVC is used in Mojito.


An evented I/O framework for the V8 JavaScript engine on Unix-like platforms that is intended for writing scalable network programs such as Web servers. See for more information.


The package manager for Node.js, which can be used to install and publish code libraries and manage the dependencies among them. See for more information.


An open standard that enables users to share information stored on one site with another site without giving out the user ID and password. See the Yahoo OAuth Quick Start Guide for more information.


An asset rollup management tool for Mojito applications that improves performance by reducing the number of HTTP requests. See the Shaker documentation and the Shaker GitHub repository for more information.


Template files that are rendered into HTML and served to a device. These templates can contain expressions (Handlebars) or tags (Mustache) that are replaced with values by a view rendering engine.


The display element of Mojito that is served to a device. The view is rendered from the template and consists of HTML and CSS. See MVC: Views for more information.

view partial

Also referred to as partials, partial views, and partial collection. View partials are collections that can be iterated through to create a document fragment. Using a view partial, you can create that document fragment instead of iterating through the collection in the view.


Acronym for Yahoo User Interface. A set of utilities, written in JavaScript and CSS, for building rich, interactive Web applications.