Including YUI Modules¶
Time Estimate: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Intermediate
This example shows how to include the YUI module Storage Lite in a Mojito application. The example uses the Storage Lite module to create a notepad application. Any text that you input into the application will persist between page views and browser sessions.
The following topics will be covered:
- adding YUI modules to the yui_modules directory
- accessing YUI modules from a mojit
Implementation Notes¶
Adding YUI Modules¶
To add YUI modules that all your mojits can access, place the modules in the yui_modules directory under the application directory. For example, YUI modules in the hello_world application would be placed in hello_world/yui_modules.
File Naming Convention¶
YUI modules must use the following naming convention, where where {module_name} is an arbitrary string for identifying the module and {affinity} is either common, server, or client.
In this code example, code is being deployed to the client, so the affinity must be either common or client.
Registering Module¶
To register a module so that it is available to your mojits, pass a string that identifies the module to the YUI.add method. From the skeleton of storage-lite.client.js below, you can see that add method registers the module identified by the string 'gallery-storage-lite'.
YUI.add('gallery-storage-lite', function (Y) {
}, '1.0.0', { requires: [ 'event-base', 'event-custom', 'event-custom-complex', 'json']});
Using a YUI Module from Mojits¶
After registered YUI modules have been added to the yui_modules directory, you can load them into your mojit code by listing them as dependencies in the requires array. In the binder index.js below, you can see that the Storage Lite module that we created and registered in Registering Module is listed as a dependency in the requires array.
YUI.add('notepad-binder-index', function (Y, NAME) {
Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = {
init: function(mojitProxy) { = mojitProxy;
bind: function(node) {
// See yui_modules/storage-lite.client.js
}, '0.0.1', {requires: [ 'gallery-storage-lite' ]});
In the bind method, Y.StorageLite.getItem and Y.StorageLite.setItem are used to get and set persistent data. Note that you must use the Y instance to access the module.
bind: function (node) {
// Based on
var keyname = 'storage-lite-example',
notes ='#notes');
// Populate the textarea with the stored note text on page load.
notes.set('value', Y.StorageLite.getItem(keyname) || '');
// Save the contents of the textarea after each keystroke.
notes.on('keyup', function () {
Y.StorageLite.setItem(keyname, notes.get('value'));
// adding a classname to the notes element to facilitate func tests
Setting Up this Example¶
To set up and run yui_module:
Create your application.
$ mojito create app yui_module
Change to the application directory.
Create your mojit.
$ mojito create mojit Notepad
To specify that your application use the Notepad mojit and be deployed to the client, replace the code in application.json with the following:
[ { "settings": [ "master" ], "specs": { "notepad": { "type": "HTMLFrameMojit", "config": { "deploy": true, "title": "Notepad Example", "child": { "type": "Notepad" } } } } } ]
Update your app.js with the following to use Mojito’s middleware, configure routing and the port, and have your application listen for requests:
'use strict'; var debug = require('debug')('app'), express = require('express'), libmojito = require('mojito'), app; app = express(); app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8666); libmojito.extend(app); app.use(libmojito.middleware()); app.get('/status', function (req, res) { res.send('200 OK'); }); app.get('/', libmojito.dispatch('notepad.index')); app.listen(app.get('port'), function () { debug('Server listening on port ' + app.get('port') + ' ' + 'in ' + app.get('env') + ' mode'); }); module.exports = app;
Confirm that your package.json has the correct dependencies as show below. If not, update package.json.
"dependencies": { "debug": "*", "mojito": "~0.9.0" }, "devDependencies": { "mojito-cli": ">= 0.2.0" },
From the application directory, install the application dependencies:
$ npm install
Create the yui_modules directory for storing the Storage Lite module.
$ mkdir yui_modules
Get the Storage Lite module and place it in the yui_modules directory.
$ wget -O yui_modules/storage-lite.client.js --no-check-certificate
Change to mojits/Notepad.
Replace the code in controller.server.js with the following:
YUI.add('notepad', function(Y, NAME) { Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = { index: function(ac) { ac.done(); } }; }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito']});
To create the binder for getting user input and storing it with the Storage Lite module, replace the code in binders/index.js with the following:
YUI.add('notepad-binder-index', function (Y, NAME) { Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = { init: function (mojitProxy) { = mojitProxy; }, bind: function (node) { // Based on var keyname = 'storage-lite-example', notes ='#notes'); // Populate the textarea with the stored note text on page load. notes.set('value', Y.StorageLite.getItem(keyname) || ''); // Save the contents of the textarea after each keystroke. notes.on('keyup', function () { Y.StorageLite.setItem(keyname, notes.get('value')); }); // adding a classname to the notes element to facilitate func tests notes.addClass('ready'); } }; }, '0.0.1', { requires: [ 'gallery-storage-lite' //see yui_modules/storage-lite.client.js ] });
To display a form that allows users to input text, replace the code in views/index.hb.html with the following:
<div id=""> <h1>Storage Lite: Simple Notepad Example</h1> <form> <p>Anything you type in this textarea will be stored and persisted between page views and browser sessions using the <a href="">Storage Lite</a> YUI module by Ryan Grove.</p> <p><textarea id="notes" cols="80" rows="8"></textarea> </p> </form> </div>
From the application directory, run the server.
$ node app.js
Go to the application at the URL below and enter some text into the form.
Point to the same URL in a new tab. You should see the same text that you entered in the form before.
Open the same URL in a new browser window. Once again, you should see the same text that you entered earlier.