Simple Logging¶
Time Estimate: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Intermediate
This example shows how to configure the log levels for the client and the server in Mojito. Also, see Logging for more information such as including and excluding log messages from specified modules.
The following topics will be covered:
- configuring the logging levels
- configuring client-side and server-side logging
- using Y.log to set log levels, specify reporting modules
Implementation Notes¶
Log Configuration¶
Logging is configured in the application.json file with the yui.config object. With the yui.config object, you can configure the log levels and some elements of the output for logs. See the config object for the configurations that can be set.
Log Levels¶
Mojito offers the log levels below that you configure in application.json or set with Y.log. The default log level is debug.
- debug
- info
- warn
- error
- mojito
- none
Setting a log level of warn will filter out all debug and info messages, while warn, error, and mojito log messages will be processed. To see all log messages, set the log level to debug. The mojito log level is for showing Mojito framework-level logging that indicate important framework events are occurring.
Example Log Configuration¶
In the example, you can see that you use the yui.config object to configure the log level.
"yui": {
"config": {
"debug": true,
"logLevel": "info"
To configure log levels, the property debug must be set to true, which is the default value. For example, if yui.config contained debug: false, then the logLevel property would be ignored.
Configuring Client and Server Logging¶
You can use context configurations to set different logging configurations for the client and server. More specifically, you use the the master and runtime:client contexts, each with their own yui.config object as shown below:
"settings": [ "master" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"logLevel": "debug"
"settings": [ "runtime:client" ],
"yui": {
"config": {
"logLevel": "info"
Using Y.log¶
The function Y.log allows you to not only log messages, but to also set the log level, specify the reporting module, and suppress a logging event. See the YUI API documentation for log for more information.
In Mojito applications, we recommend that you specify the log level and the reporting module. For example, the first use of Y.log below will report the message at the log level that is configured in application.json or use the default (debug) if no log level is set with logLevel. The second use of Y.log will use the log level info. Both statements specify the reporting module log-binder-index.
Y.log("This message will be reported at the log level set in application.json or the default level.", null, "log-binder-index");
Y.log("This log message will be reported at the INFO log level.", "info", "log-binder-index");
Setting Up this Example¶
To set up and run simple_logging:
Create your application.
$ mojito create app simple_logging
Change to the application directory.
Create your mojit.
$ mojito create mojit log
To configure the log levels for the client and server, replace the code in
application.json with the following:
[ { "settings": [ "master" ], "specs": { "frame": { "type": "HTMLFrameMojit", "config":{ "deploy": true, "child":{ "type": "log" } } } }, "yui": { "config": { "debug": true, "logLevel": "debug" } } }, { "settings": [ "runtime:client" ], "yui": { "config": { "debug": true, "logLevel": "info" } } } ]
Update your app.js with the following to use Mojito’s middleware, configure routing and the port, and have your application listen for requests:
'use strict'; var debug = require('debug')('app'), express = require('express'), libmojito = require('mojito'), app; app = express(); app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8666); libmojito.extend(app); app.use(libmojito.middleware()); app.get('/status', function (req, res) { res.send('200 OK'); }); app.get('/', libmojito.dispatch('frame.index')); app.listen(app.get('port'), function () { debug('Server listening on port ' + app.get('port') + ' ' + 'in ' + app.get('env') + ' mode'); }); module.exports = app;
Confirm that your package.json has the correct dependencies as show below. If not, update package.json.
"dependencies": { "debug": "*", "mojito": "~0.9.0" }, "devDependencies": { "mojito-cli": ">= 0.2.0" },
From the application directory, install the application dependencies:
$ npm install
Change to mojits/log.
Modify your controller so that one log message uses the default log level and one log message has the log level set by Y.log by replacing the code in controller.server.js with the following:
YUI.add('log', function(Y, NAME) { Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = { index: function(ac) { Y.log('[CONTROLLER]: Default log-level message with date: ' + new Date(), null, NAME); Y.log('[CONTROLLER]: Warn message.','warn', NAME); var data = { log_config: Y.config.logLevel, }; ac.done(data); } }; }, '0.0.1', { requires: ['mojito','mojito-config-addon']});
To display your client logging, replace the content of binders/index.js with the following:
YUI.add('log-binder-index', function(Y, NAME) { Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = { init: function(mojitProxy) { this.mojitProxy = mojitProxy; }, bind: function(node) { Y.log("[BINDER]: Default Log level: " + Y.config.logLevel, null, NAME); Y.log('[BINDER]: Error log message.', "error", NAME);"#client_config").all("b").item(0).insert(Y.config.logLevel,"after"); this.node = node; } }; }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito-client']});
Modify the default template by replacing the code in views/index.hb.html with the following:
<div id="" class="mojit"> <h2 style="color: #606; font-weight:bold;">Simple Log Configuration </h2> This app is to demonstrate the the logging level and its configuration. <div id="server_config"> <h3> Server Configuration </h3> <b>Log level: </b><br/> </div> <div id="client_config"> <h3> Client Configuration </h3> <b>Log level: </b> <br/> </div> </div>
From the application directory, run the server.
$ node app.js
Open the URL below in a browser and look at the output from the Mojito server. You should see the log messages from the controller that start with the string “[CONTROLLER]:”. Notice that the two messages have different log levels: one is the default (debug) and the other sets the log level warn with Y.log.
Open your browser’s developer console, such as Firebug, and view the console logs. You should see the client log messages from the binder that start with the string “[BINDER]”. Again, you will see log messages using different log levels.