
Configuring Routing

Time Estimate: 10 minutes

Difficulty Level: Beginning


This example shows how to configure routing for your Mojito application. In Mojito, routing is the mapping of URLs to mojit actions.

Implementation Notes

Before you create routes for your application, you need to specify one or more mojit instances that can be mapped to URLs. In the application.json below, the mapped_mojit instance of the Routing mojit is created, which can then be associated in a route defined in app.js.

    "settings": [ "master" ],
    "specs": {
      "mapped_mojit": {
        "type": "Routing"

The example app.js below associates the mapped_mojit instance defined in application.json with a path and explicitly calls the index action. If the controller for the Routing mojit had the function myFunction, you would use the following to call it: mapped_mojit.myFunction. When an HTTP GET call is made on the URL http:{domain}:8666/custom-route, the index action is called from the custom-route instance.

'use strict';

var debug = require('debug')('app'),
    express = require('express'),
    libmojito = require('mojito'),

app = express();
// Define the port to listen to or use the value given to the environment
// variable PORT.
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8666);


// Defining route `/custom-route` and executing (dispatching)
// the action `index` of the mojit instance `mapped_mojit`.
app.get('/custom-route', libmojito.dispatch('mapped_mojit.index'));

app.listen(app.get('port'), function () {
   debug('Server listening on port ' + app.get('port') + ' ' +
            'in ' + app.get('env') + ' mode');
module.exports = app;


Routing for Mojito v0.8 and Earlier

In versions of Mojito v0.8 and earler, routing was configured in the file routes.json. If you are converting an older application and want to use the routing configured in routes.json, you can do so by calling app.mojito.attachRoutes(), but be aware that the routes.json file has been deprecated, so it may not be supported in the future.

The name of the mojit instance is arbitrary. For example, the mojit instance mapped_mojit above could have just as well been called mojit-route. Just remember that the name of the mojit instance in app.js has to be defined and have a mojit type in application.json.

You can also configure multiple routes and use wildcards in app.js. The modified app.js below uses the wildcard to configure a route for handling HTTP POST requests and calls the method post_params from the post-route mojit instance.

'use strict';

var debug = require('debug')('app'),
    express = require('express'),
    libmojito = require('mojito'),

app = express();
// Define the port to listen to or use the value given to the environment
// variable PORT.
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8666);

// Attach any routes in `routes.json`, which is deprecated.
// app.mojito.attachRoutes();

// Defining the route `/*` and executing (dispatching)
// the action `post_params` of the mojit instance `post-route`.'/*', libmojito.dispatch('post-route.post_params'));

app.listen(app.get('port'), function () {
   debug('Server listening on port ' + app.get('port') + ' ' +
            'in ' + app.get('env') + ' mode');
module.exports = app;

The app.js above configures the routes below. Notice that the wildcard used for the path of "another-route" configures Mojito to execute post_params when receiving any HTTP POST requests.

  • http://localhost:8666/custom-route
  • http://localhost:8666/{any_path}

Setting Up this Example

To set up and run configure_routing:

  1. Create your application.

    $ mojito create app configure_routing

  2. Change to the application directory.

  3. Create your mojit.

    $ mojito create mojit Routing

  4. To create an instance of the Routing mojit, replace the code in application.json with the following:

        "settings": [ "master" ],
        "specs": {
          "mapped_mojit": {
            "type": "Routing"
  5. Update your app.js with the following:

    'use strict';
    var debug = require('debug')('app'),
        express = require('express'),
        libmojito = require('mojito'),
        app = express();
        app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8666);
        // Defining route `GET /` and executing (dispatching)
        // the action `index` of the mojit instance `mapped_mojit`.
        app.get('/', libmojito.dispatch('mapped_mojit.index'));
        // Defining route `GET /index` and executing (dispatching)
        // the action `index` of the mojit instance `mapped_mojit`.
        app.get('/index', libmojito.dispatch('mapped_mojit.index'));
        // Defining the route `POST /*` and executing (dispatching)
        // the action `post_params` of the mojit instance `post-route`.'/show', libmojito.dispatch(''));
        app.get('/status', function (req, res) {
            res.send('200 OK');
        app.listen(app.get('port'), function () {
            debug('Server listening on port ' + app.get('port') + ' ' +
            'in ' + app.get('env') + ' mode');
        module.exports = app;

    The mapped_mojit instance created in application.json is configured here to be used when HTTP GET calls are made on the paths /index or /show and HTTP POST calls made on the path /show.

  6. Confirm that your package.json has the correct dependencies as show below. If not, update package.json.

    "dependencies": {
        "debug": "*",
         "mojito": "~0.9.0"
    "devDependencies": {
        "mojito-cli": ">= 0.2.0"
  7. From the application directory, install the application dependencies:

    $ npm install

  8. Change to mojits/Routing.

  9. Modify your controller to contain the index and show actions by replacing the code in controller.server.js with the following:

    YUI.add('routing', function(Y, NAME) {
      // Builds object containing route information
      function route_info(ac) {
        var methods = "",
            name = "",
            action = ac.action,
            path = ac.http.getRequest().url,
            routes = ac.config.getRoutes();
        if (action === "index" && path === "/") {
          name = "root_route";
          method = 'GET';
        } else if (action==="index") {
          name = "index_route";
        } else {
          name = "show_route";
          methods = 'POST';
        methods = methods.toUpperCase();
        return {
          "path": path,
          "name": name,
          "methods": methods.replace(/, $/, "")
      Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = {
        index: function (ac) {
        show: function (ac) {
    }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito-config-addon', 'mojito-http-addon']});
  10. To display your route information in your index template, replace the content of index.hb.html with the following:

    <div id="">
      <b>Route Path:</b> <br/>
      <b>HTTP Methods:</b> <br/>
      <b>Route Name:</b> 
  11. To display your route information in your show template, create the file show.hb.html with the following:

    <div id="">
      <b>Route Path:</b> <br/>
      <b>HTTP Methods:</b> <br/>
      <b>Route Name:</b> 
  12. Run the server and open the following URL in a browser to see the index route: http://localhost:8666/index

  13. To see the show route, open the following URL in a browser:
