

Common Questions

Where do I get the Search SDK?

You can download the Search SDK, available for both Android and iOS, on the Yahoo! Developer Network.

Does it support tablets?

The Search SDK currently does not support tablets.

What is developer mode?

The developer mode prepares the SDK for testing/development. It is ON by default, so you need to turn it off explicitly.

Where can I find demo apps and code samples?

How do I keep track of my app revenue?

Request to enable for monetization can be made through the developer dashboard. You can access the dashboard via

Is there support for a remote repository URL instead of a manual download? What is the process to upgrade the SDK?

The Android and iOS SDKs are available on YDN. New versions will be announced and tagged on our public github repo:

Does the Search SDK support multiple app keys using the same account and email?

Yes, all app keys will be associated to your Yahoo account.

How do I get technical / business support ?

Email us at:

Is SDK internationalized?

We currently only supports the en-US locale.

Android SDK Questions

Does the Android SDK support different development environments, such as Eclipse, Android Studio/IntelliJ, Gradle/Ant?

Currently, Android Studio and Gradle build systems are supported.

What are the app level permissions required to integrate the Search SDK in an app?


How much client side caching does the Search SDK use?

The memory cache is set to use at most 25% of available memory. File cache limits are 50MB or 100 files.

Can I have multiple instances of SearchActivity in my Android app?

Yes, both single and multiple instances are supported. Simply edit Search SDK activities on your manifest file accordingly.

What is the minimum OS requirement of the Search SDK?

The Search SDK supports API 16 and above.

What level of exception or error handling is available?

The Android SDK throws custom exceptions when it is not initialized properly. You should only initialize the Search SDK once. Otherwise, an IllegalStateException is thrown. Furthermore, you should initialize the Search SDK on the main thread. Otherwise, an IllegalThreadStateException is thrown.

iOS SDK Questions

What is the minimum OS requirement of the Search SDK?

The iOS SDK supports iOS 7+.

Is search SDK available in cocoapods?

Yes, its available as a pod. For more info, see Install using Cocoapods.

How much client side caching does the Search SDK use?

NSCache is used to cache almost 100 images in memory.

What level of exception or error handling is available?

YahooSearchKit throws custom exceptions when not initialized correctly.

What is the minimum version of Xcode to build with iOS Search SDK?

The minimum version is Xcode 6+.

Can I create multiple instances of Search View Controller in my app?

Yes, any number of instances can be created and presented in your app.

Can I re-use the search view controller instance across my app?

Yes, it’s possible to reuse the same search view controller across the app.

Does search view controller always use full screen mode?

Yes, the current version supports only full screen mode.

What happens if I do not initialize the SDK?

If the setup API is not called on the SDK, the Search SDK will throw custom exceptions.

What is the memory overhead of my app if I integrate the Search SDK?

It depends on the architecture of the device. Typically, the Search SDK adds around 600-700KB to your app.