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October 8 - 11, 2019 Sunnyvale CA Verizon Media Apache Traffic Server Summit We will also have a hackathon on Thursday the 10th at the same location. Tue Oct 08 Verizon Media Host Apache Traffic Server Summit We will also have a hackathon on Thursday the 10th at the same location. Sunnyvale, CA
July 17 - 18, 2019 Portland Oregon O'Reilly OSCON - A tale of two cities: Merging Yahoo and Aol’s open source programs Verizon Media is the merger of Yahoo and AOL, and those two companies ran their open source programs quite differently. Ashley Wolf and Gil Yehuda explain how Verizon Media now addresses license compliance, community management, the publication process, and how to run a program office at scale. Wed Jul 17 O'Reilly Host OSCON - A tale of two cities: Merging Yahoo and Aol’s open source programs Verizon Media is the merger of Yahoo and AOL, and those two companies ran their open source programs quite differently. Ashley Wolf and Gil Yehuda explain how Verizon Media now addresses license compliance, community management, the publication process, and how to run a program office at scale. Portland, Oregon
April 29 - 30, 2019 701 1st Avenue Sunnyvale, CA, 94089  Verizon Media OpenID Foundation Workshop at Verizon Media OpenID Foundation Workshops provide insight and influence on important Internet identity standards. The workshops provide updates on the work happening within OpenID Foundation working groups as well as updates on the OpenID Certification Program. Leading technologists from Verizon Media, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yubico, Verizon and others will update key issues and discuss how they help meet social, enterprise and government Internet identity challenges. Mon Apr 29 Verizon Media Host OpenID Foundation Workshop at Verizon Media OpenID Foundation Workshops provide insight and influence on important Internet identity standards. The workshops provide updates on the work happening within OpenID Foundation working groups as well as updates on the OpenID Certification Program. Leading technologists from Verizon Media, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yubico, Verizon and others will update key issues and discuss how they help meet social, enterprise and government Internet identity challenges. 701 1st Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA, 94089 
April 22 - 26, 2019 Beijing China  Apache Spring 2019 Apache Traffic Server Summit On the 25th we will also have a hackathon at the same location. This will be our first summit to be held in Asia and will be hosted by SkyGuard. Mon Apr 22 Apache Host Spring 2019 Apache Traffic Server Summit On the 25th we will also have a hackathon at the same location. This will be our first summit to be held in Asia and will be hosted by SkyGuard. Beijing, China 
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