Explore Screwdriver at CDCon 2020
<p><a href="https://screwdriver.cd/">Screwdriver</a> is an open-source build platform for Continuous Delivery. Using Screwdriver, you can easily define the path that your code takes from Pull Request to Production. The Screwdriver team will be presenting three talks at<a href="https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon/"> CDCon</a> (Oct 7-8) and would love to have you join! <a href="https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon/">Register to attend CDCon</a>.</p><p>CDCon has pledged to donate 100% of the proceeds received from CDCon 2020 registration to charitable causes: <a href="https://www.blackgirlscode.com/">Black Girls Code</a>, <a href="https://www.womenwhocode.com/">Women Who Code</a> and the <a href="https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon/register/">CDF Diversity Fund</a>. Registrants indicate which charitable fund they want their 25 USD registration fees to go to during registration.<br/></p><p>Hope to see you at CDCon!</p><p><b>- - - </b></p><p><a href="https://cdcon2020.sched.com/event/dpvi/screwdriver-ui-walkthru-alan-dong-verizon-media">Screwdriver UI Walkthrough</a></p><p>Oct 7, 12:40 PM PDT</p><p>Speakers: Alan Dong, Software Engineer, Verizon Media</p><p>In this session, Alan will cover the fundamental parts of Screwdriver: </p><ul><li><p>What is a pipeline? </p></li><li><p>How to use a screwdriver to set up a pipeline from scratch </p></li><li><p>Integrate with SCM (i.e. GitHub) </p></li><li><p>Setup collections for personal preferences </p></li><li><p>How to get involved with Screwdriver.cd to get help and contribute back to the community </p></li></ul><p><a href="https://cdcon2020.sched.com/event/dpvl/case-study-how-yahoo-japan-uses-and-contributes-to-screwdriver-at-scale-hiroki-takatsuka-jithin-emmanuel-yahoo-japan">Case Study: How Yahoo! Japan Uses and Contributes to Screwdriver at Scale</a></p><p>Oct 7, 2:20 PM PDT</p><p>Speakers: Hiroki Takatsuka, Engineering Manager, Yahoo! Japan & Jithin Emmanuel, Sr Mgr, Software Dev Engineering, Verizon Media</p><p>Yahoo! Japan will share how they use and contribute to Screwdriver, an open-source build platform designed for Continuous Delivery, at scale. Several topics will be covered including: architecture, use cases, usage stats, customization, operational tips, and collaborating directly with Verizon Media’s Screwdriver team to constantly evolve Screwdriver.</p><p><br/></p><p><a href="https://cdcon2020.sched.com/event/dpvf/cicd-with-open-source-screwdriver-jithin-emmanuel-tiffany-kyi-verizon-media">CI/CD with Open Source Screwdriver</a></p><p>Oct 8, 3:50 PM PDT</p><p>Speakers: Jithin Emmanuel, Sr Mgr, Software Dev Engineering & Tiffany Kyi, Software Development Engineer, Verizon Media</p><p>Now part of the Continuous Delivery Foundation, Screwdriver is an open source CI/CD platform, originally created and open-sourced by Yahoo/Verizon Media. At Yahoo/Verizon Media, Screwdriver is used to run more than 60,000 software builds every day. Yahoo! Japan also uses and contributes to Screwdriver. In this session, core contributors to Screwdriver will provide an overview of features and capabilities, and how it is used at scale covering use-cases across mobile, web applications, and library development across various programming languages.</p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><p><br/></p><figure class="tmblr-full" data-orig-height="253" data-orig-width="506" data-orig-src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DctkTdQCTi_aXsxljUnX1Hv4b1PWjr-nVIUdQbwlkPDcM8pTQbnWl2q1yokfrAxQUohNrrQb2jBVbFfFdC52YQd3e5Fv4-cWvK-ZdFFvjHqFcYj0N-AdCDHYMPx5G2Jud2JzB3SG"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b4ef37db762553d2719c0319f1098f0a/63a9c6aa41148e12-5e/s540x810/eb8bd22af0f38f2376dd7e3a056ea7ba29b0a3e5.png" alt="cdcon register now banner" data-orig-height="253" data-orig-width="506" data-orig-src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/DctkTdQCTi_aXsxljUnX1Hv4b1PWjr-nVIUdQbwlkPDcM8pTQbnWl2q1yokfrAxQUohNrrQb2jBVbFfFdC52YQd3e5Fv4-cWvK-ZdFFvjHqFcYj0N-AdCDHYMPx5G2Jud2JzB3SG"/></figure>